International oil service company's profit level is still at a historical low

Time: 2018-10-12 08:37:12 Source: Wind,GuangFa Securities

Schlumberger, Halliburton, and NOV are the world's No. 1 and No. 2 oil service companies and the largest drilling equipment company respectively. Their share price and performance evolution are of great significance to the global oil service industry research. After comparing the two core indicators of income and profit rate, we found that although the international oil price increase brought the oil company's capital expenditure to be active, which led to the positive growth rate of each company's income, the net of three representative companies in the past few quarters. Interest rate levels are still at historic lows. Profitability has not yet recovered as one of the core factors in suppressing stock price performance.

From the performance of Schlumberger's stock price in the past three years, it is basically related to the recovery rate of net interest rate. Although the income growth rate has improved significantly, the price of executing orders is still affected by the low oil price in the past, and the background profit level expected to be maintained at high oil prices is expected. Subsequent will gradually step into the ascending channel.

Halliburton’s revenue growth rate bottomed out in the second half of the year and gradually recovered, and it turned smoothly in the first quarter of the year.

Although the overall business type and capital expenditure transmission order have certain differences, the income and profit recovery progress of NOV is the same as Schlumberger and Halliburton.

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